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Sponsors & Partners

Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG, a globally recognised sports car manufacturer, is the eponymous and MAIN SPONSOR of the competition and donates all prizes.

The following CO-SPONSORS and SUPPORTERS are long-term backers of the competition:

The London-based advertising trade magazine shots publishes a selection of the shortlisted films and projects on their website. Furthermore, a shots editor is part of the jury each year.

The self-funded project 1.4 by Lyndy Stout features the winners of the award on the website. Lyndy is also a regular member of the jury.

The City of Ludwigsburg, a reliable partner and supporter of the Filmakademie since its foundation in 1991, contributes to the competition each year as a generous secondary sponsor.

Distelhäuser Brewery Ernst Bauer GmbH & Co. KG has supported the competition since 2009 by providing beverages.

Südkola is one of the youngest supporter and supports the competition since 2021 with their regional lemonades.

Further sponsoring opportunites are always being considered. If you or your company are interested in supporting the successful Porsche Awards as co-sponsor, please contact the project lead via e-mail: porsche-awards@filmakademie.de. We will be happy to send you our detailed sponsoring documents.

Ministerium für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kunst Baden-Württemberg
Staatsministerin für Kultur und Medien