Julia Mücke
Director & DoP
At the age of 19, Julia ditched the waiting for some re-locating and headed off to Cologne to start working at that record label some people might have heard of, EMI Music. Around that time, Julia figured that with MySpace and Facebook getting big, it might make sense to produce social media content for artists and labels. This little epiphany led Julia to find a new passion, and in 2009, still long before TikTok and WhatsApp Stories even existed, Julia became a content creator and filmmaker. During that time Julia acquired camera, directing, and editing skills and became very «fluent» in the language called social media - even though she’s definitely too old to be a digital native.
Julia is a genuinely social creature, that ensures peoples well-being on set as well as in pre- and post production. Since early 2021 Julia is member and part of the jury at Deutscher Werbefilmpreis. In her next professional life Julia will strive to become a precision driver.