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The film market is becoming ever more internationalized. New tax incentives and grant possibilities are drawing film productions to Europe. As a result, ambitious young actors suddenly have the possibility to think beyond their national markets and can present themselves internationally.

Films like THE READER, INGLORIOUS BASTERDS, GRAND BUDAPEST HOTEL, BRIDGE OF SPIES or most recently SNOWDEN and the HOMELAND series were shot in Germany, where much of the supporting cast was filled with German and European actors.

The Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg is meeting these new developments head on. As of 2016, we are offering the International Screen Acting Workshop in English.

Together with CASTFORWARD/e-TALENTA and internationally experienced professionals from the film industry across the globe, we are raising bar in an already successful and widely popular screen-acting workshop to an entirely new and international level.

Ministerium für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kunst Baden-Württemberg
Staatsministerin für Kultur und Medien