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The film landscape in Europe is changing. An influx of English productions is providing a host of new opportunities for young actors. Since autumn 2016, the Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg has been offering a new seminar to equip young actors with the instruments they need to fill this unique and growing niche.

Less is more

We are searching for young, highly motivated aspiring actors. The program aims to develop participants’ acting craft as well as fluency in the English language. Experienced professionals from across the globe will host discussions about a range of topics: everything from marketing, casting, and networking, to the globalization of the film industry.

But the very heart of the course lies in its practical training. Seminar participants will take part in scene work and method-acting preparations with internationally acclaimed acting coaches as well as gathering on-set experience in front of the camera. The footage will then be analyzed in depth on the silver screen together with the coaches and professional directors. It’s about body language, expression, emotional honesty, the flow of movement.

Seminar participants will work closely with experienced actors, acting agents, casting directors, acting coaches and directors. These expert mentors will help young actors acquire a comprehensive understanding of the complexities of screen acting. All of these workshop components will work together to fully equip graduates with the skills they need to successfully step into the international film market.

Jessica Layher

Tel:07141 969 82 390

Jessica Layher
Jessica Layher
Jessica Layher
Jessica Layher
Ministerium für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kunst Baden-Württemberg
Staatsministerin für Kultur und Medien