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Mila discovered a market gap: she earns her money with divorces. Mila is, that's what she calls herself, a "divorcetrainer". She has a agency to help freshly divorced in unconventional ways out of the pain: Sometimes it's a shaman session, sometimes simple revenge or sometimes a bungeejump Mila orgnizes divorcepartys, a ritual burning of the wedding dress or just a new beautiful flat. Whatever comes, Mila comforts the mournings. Mila herself just came from a quite unpleasent divorce. But with all the comforting, she forgets her own problems easily.


Basic information

Genre: Serie, Tragikomödie

Production year: 2015
Running Time: 23:00 min.

Original language: Deutsch


Script: Silvia Overath
Director: Mia Spengler
Cinematography: Christine Lüdge
Sounddesign: Julian Aichholz
Sound: Frank Schubert
Editing: Gürcan Cansever
Production Design: Iris Schilhab
Still Photographer: Nathalie Kraft
Executive Producer: Simon Riedl, Amadeus Erlemann
Production Company: Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg GmbH
Narrator/Voice Actor: Simon Thummet, Marvin Rößler, Adriana Espinal Ortiz, Laura Schnaufer


Isabell Gerschke, Rick Okon, Kaya Marie Möller


Kaufbeuren Filmzeit Kaufbeuren 2016

Ministerium für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kunst Baden-Württemberg
Staatsministerin für Kultur und Medien