Nächste Termine

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Alongside the presentation of films at festivals and participating in competitions, international commercial and non-commercial appraisal of productions in cinema, TV, and for DVD, online and VoD plays a significant role. The Distribution & Licensing Department is responsible for questions concerning licence agreements and contracts.


Please mail us your requests for licensing and public screenings with the following details:

  • Project title
  • Rights scope, type of usage and event type
  • Planned licence duration or presentation date
  • Desired format
  • Billing and delivery address (if from another EU country with VAT number)

Please find more information on how to acquire DVDs for private use via Service

Distribution & Licensing


Alongside the presentation of films at festivals and participating in competitions, international commercial and non-commercial appraisal of productions in cinema, TV, and for DVD, online and VoD plays a significant role. The Distribution & Licensing Department is responsible for questions concerning licence agreements and contracts.


Please mail us your requests for licensing and public screenings with the following details:

• Project title
• Rights scope, type of usage and event type
• Planned licence duration or presentation date
• Desired format
• Billing and delivery address (if from another EU country with VAT number)

Please find more information on how to acquire DVDs for private use via Service


Distribution & Licensing

Sigrid Gairing
Distribution & Licensing
Tel:+49 7141 969 82193
Fax:+49 7141 969 82299

Sigrid Gairing
Sigrid Gairing
Sigrid Gairing
Sigrid Gairing
Distribution & Licensing
Ministerium für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kunst Baden-Württemberg
Staatsministerin für Kultur und Medien