Nächste Termine

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Constanze Bühner is the equality manager for the student body at the Filmakademie and the Filmakademie´s Animation Institute.

The Filmakademie offers various seminars and workshops as part of the "Gender and Diversity in Progress" program. All events in this regard can be subscribed to in the teaching online calendar "Gender in Progress".

At the Filmakademie, the following contact persons can also be contacted on the topic of gender equality:

Beate Pfennigwerth
Guido Lukoschek

Animation Institute

Constanze Bühner
Study Coordinator
Tel:+49 7141 969 82851

Constanze Bühner
Constanze Bühner

Juliane Voigtländer
Head of Studies
Tel:+49 7141 969 82108

Juliane Voigtländer
Juliane Voigtländer

Commissioned Productions

Ute Härter
Tel:+49 7141 969 82302

Ute Härter
Ute Härter

Lucy-Ann Bauer
Equality Manager
Tel:+49 7141 969 82104

Lucy-Ann Bauer
Lucy-Ann Bauer


Prof. Thomas Schadt
Managing Director
Tel:+49 7141 969 82102

Prof. Thomas Schadt
Prof. Thomas Schadt
Constanze Bühner
Constanze Bühner
Study Coordinator
Juliane Voigtländer
Juliane Voigtländer
Head of Studies
Ute Härter
Ute Härter
Lucy-Ann Bauer
Lucy-Ann Bauer
Equality Manager
Prof. Thomas Schadt
Prof. Thomas Schadt
Managing Director
Ministerium für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kunst Baden-Württemberg
Staatsministerin für Kultur und Medien