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Campus International

is a voluntary initiative/action group consisting of students of the Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg, its Animation Institute as well as the Academy of Performing Arts Baden-Württemberg (ADK). Campus International offers a number of events for divers target groups.

For all interested people: »Campus International«, Akademie für Darstellende Kunst BW, Akademiehof 1, 71638 Ludwigsburg (Lobby area)

Meeting point: Campus International

This event is an invitation for all people who are interested in social networking and getting to know people of different cultures and backgrounds. On a Monday once a month between 7 - 10pm the lobby area of the ADK opens up for a meeting point. All interested people, especially recently immigrated foreigners, all students of the local universities, all regional and local players who help the social inclusion, and all socially engaged people are invited to join the event. Various forms of events, e.g. discussion series, presentations, musical contributions, offer great possibility of exchanging views and social networking. The next events are scheduled as follows: 09.10.2017, 13.11.2017, 04.12.2017, 22.01.2018, 19.02.2018 All event details will be published separately.


International Office

Sujatha Dovgal
Project Management International Programs
Tel:+49 7141 969 82 106

Sujatha Dovgal
Sujatha Dovgal
Sujatha Dovgal
Sujatha Dovgal
Project Management International Programs
Ministerium für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kunst Baden-Württemberg
Staatsministerin für Kultur und Medien