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Animation & Specializations

In the field of animation, the following project studies are offered:

  • Animation Directing
  • Concept Art
  • Character Animation
  • Visual Effects

In addition, the following postgraduate studies are offered:

  • Animation/Effects Producing
  • Technical Directing

To find out what is behind each specialization, please visit the website of Animationsinsitut.


Six reasons why you should study at Animationsinstitut

Integral Approach & Specialization
We provide our students with an understanding of the animation medium’s overall context.

Personal Development
We encourage and support our students as they discover and develop their authenticity.

Project Work and Teamwork
Working in teams, our students develop and realize projects of exceptional quality.

Technological Advantage
Close links with national and international research projects give our students a crucial advantage in terms of technology, too.

Talent Promotion & Networking
We make it easier for our students and alumni to get settled in the industry, define their roles, network, and develop their talents.

Heimat & Internationality
Animationsinstitut is the home base. FMX is where the community meets and a career springboard for our students and alumni.

Check out the blog by Animationsinstitut and get insights into projects and everyday study life!

Showreel 2020 - Animation, VFX & Interactive Media

Animation Institute

Constanze Bühner
Study Coordinator
Tel:+49 7141 969 82851

Constanze Bühner
Constanze Bühner

Animation Institute

Claudia Baumgartner
Study Coordinator
Tel:+49 7141 969 82816

Claudia Baumgartner
Claudia Baumgartner
Constanze Bühner
Constanze Bühner
Study Coordinator
Claudia Baumgartner
Claudia Baumgartner
Study Coordinator
Ministerium für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kunst Baden-Württemberg
Staatsministerin für Kultur und Medien