Nächste Termine

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Students studying Cinematography follow a comprehensive study programme for a duration of nine semesters. Graduates gain all artistic, technical and organisational requirements expected of a professional “Director of Photography”.

The study course is taught by lecturers who have had extensive professional practice in the film industry. The Film and Media study programme lasts for 4 years and includes technical camera training, as well as interdisciplinary modules which focus on subjects such as directing, editing and scriptwriting.

From the fifth semester the focus centres on artistic and organisational camera work within various genres in project-based study. Cinematography students are given the responsibility to work under realistic conditions with the latest technology, which is made available to them during their project work. The Cinematography study course also includes interdisciplinary workshops in film acting, VFX and production design.

Students receive support and advice on the practical realisation and creative development of projects from highly competent lecturers throughout their studies.

Supervising teaching staff:

Project-based study:
Prof. Kay Gauditz, BVK
Prof. Thomas Merker, BVK
Klaus Merkel, BVK

Prof. Peter Badel, BVK
Prof. Jolanta Dylewska, PSC
Martin Gressmann, BVK  
Frank Barbian
Matthias Bolliger
Birgit Gudjonsdottir, BVK
Stephan Vorbrugg, BVK
Hans Fromm, BVK

Image Design / Camera / Production Design

Christine Montigel
Project Coordinator
Tel:+49 7141 969 82143

Christine Montigel
Christine Montigel

Camera / Image Design / Production Design

Roland Mönch
Study Corrdinator
Tel:+49 7141 969 82140

Roland Mönch
Roland Mönch
Christine Montigel
Christine Montigel
Project Coordinator
Roland Mönch
Roland Mönch
Study Corrdinator
Ministerium für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kunst Baden-Württemberg
Staatsministerin für Kultur und Medien