Nächste Termine

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Documentary Film Direction

The Documentary Film Direction study programme focuses on the extensive range of current and historic forms of documentary work.

This includes artistic documentaries, documentary essays, journalistic reports and features, and mixed forms with fictional elements, such as docudramas or docusoaps.

Theoretical and practical work includes the fields of research, reporting and treatment, interview and communication management, screenplay writing, direction, dramaturgy, camera, lights, sound, editing, music, and post-production.

The aim of the course is to train writers and directors to work in a team and learn to implement their own ideas creatively, and with a sense of responsibility towards people, facts and reality. Students should understand how build a relationship between content and form. The technical professionalism students gain during their studies should enable them to compete in a diverse market, whether commercially or non-commercially.



Heidi Specogna

Ebbo Demant

Thomas Lauterbach

Thomas Riedelsheimer

Fiction Film / Documentary

Thorsten Schütte
Study Coordinator
Tel:+49 7141 969 82285

Thorsten Schütte
Thorsten Schütte
Thorsten Schütte
Thorsten Schütte
Study Coordinator
Ministerium für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kunst Baden-Württemberg
Staatsministerin für Kultur und Medien