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Series production

Sitcoms, dailies, weeklies, docu-soaps and telenovelas – in the year 2000, the Film Academy Baden-Württemberg recognised the need for highly qualified up-and-coming talent in this area, and to this day is the only film academy in Germany to offer a special course in which series are not only planned, but also produced!

“Series production” is the name of a programme of study which specifically prepares students specialising in screenwriting and production for the demands of modern series production for television and the Internet. We work closely with the TV station ProSiebenSat.1 and UFA Fiction, which support the course in terms of content, as well as financially.


Series Producing

Michael Rösel
Study Coordinator
Tel:+49 7141 969 82190

Michael Rösel
Michael Rösel
Michael Rösel
Michael Rösel
Study Coordinator
Ministerium für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kunst Baden-Württemberg
Staatsministerin für Kultur und Medien