Nächste Termine

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The Kinderfilmhaus in Ludwigsburg is part of the Film Academy Baden-Württemberg.

Visitors learn from students of the Film Academy about how films are produced, and which processes are involved. In the Kinderfilmhaus, groups of visitors are introduced to the media of film, television and advertising in a fun and interactive way. This increases their ability to critically assess and compare the effects and features of these media. The Kinderfilmhaus trains receptive behaviour, explains the possibilities of manipulation, and demonstrates the design tools and communication processes which are used in the field of motion pictures.

Children, teenagers, adults and school groups are all welcome. The programme is a great experience for all ages.


Update November 2018: We would like to say a big thank you to our “star donors” Gaby and Rainer Fischer from Ludwigsburg, who have donated €400 to the Kinderfilmhaus!

If you wish to support the Kinderfilmhaus, please contact us via: kinderfilmhaus(at)filmakademie.de

Ministerium für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kunst Baden-Württemberg
Staatsministerin für Kultur und Medien